Cisco 3750 mixed stack

Today I was able to do some testing on a  mixed stack of C3750, C3750G and C3750X.
It is not a secret that C3750X with lan-base license can only stack with other lan-base 3750X. In make case it was ip-base, but I needed to upgrade all stack to ip-services, which it was using before 3750X was added. So have a note, that below works fine (as long as stack master will be another  older switch with ip-services):
C3750 - ipservices
C3750G - ipservices *master
C3750X - universal

Also played with SDM profile. Even though desktop-routing allows up to 11K prefixes, in reality with about 8K CPU gets up to 40% with almost no usage and easily reaches 100% when more traffic appears.